For surgeons, medical specialists, family physicians and nurse practitioners working in Northern Health only. Surgical, medical, and family physician residents are welcome to attend.
The main objective of this workshop is for participants to learn the myoActivation technique of scar release in order to integrate this procedure into their clinical practice. Scar release is a simple procedure that can dramatically impact the prehabilitation process and improve postoperative pain and dysfunction.
This half-day workshop will review the pathophysiology of scars, mechanisms of tissue change secondary to scar release, patient assessment, treatment technique, patient responses to treatment, and important aftercare considerations. A presentation patients will be assessed and treated in real time to illustrate the changes in subjective pain and objective movement.
Through practice exercises in pairs, participants will experience the sensation of treatment and the changes in range of movement from release of scars utilizing a simple needling technique. This skill can be immediately integrated into clinical practice.
Participants (except residents) will be paid at the sessional rate for 0.5 hours pre-reading, 3.0 hours workshop participation, and 1.0 hour for engagement in QI evaluation activities.